Wednesday, Sept. 30: A farewell coffee date. Take some time to breath, sip a warm drink, and share with your new blogging buddies. If you’d like a prompt: how did the Blog-tember Challenge go for you? Any surprises? What was your favourite prompt, or what would you like to see included next time?

WOOO! September is over! I must admit, it was really hard to post something every day and considering that I only missed two days: “Saturday, Sept. 19: Tell us about one of the best days of your life” and “Wednesday, Sept. 23: Grab a guest post. Recruit a friend or fellow blogger to share on your space for the day”, I think I did pretty good! My favourite posts were the creative ones so look out for more of them on my blog, what posts were your favourite?



Tuesday, Sept. 29: Write your own list of 10 blog topics to inspire us next month.

1. Events
Try and go to different events in your area and write about your experiences. It could be anything from a food pop up to a pottery class.

2. Story
Tell us a story either from your own past experiences or write one just for your followers (it can be about anything!)

3. Review
With so many new things to try out these days from apps to makeup, let us know what you have been trying out and whether you love it or hate it.

4. Characters
Who is your favourite Disney (or anything else you like) character? If you were a 90’s cartoon character, who would it be?

5. Fear
What is the one thing you are really afraid to do? Why are you so afraid of it? What could you do to get over this fear?

6. Letter
Write a letter to yourself that you can read a year from now. (I did something similar during the Blog-Tember challenge and it was really fun!)

7. Advice
Give one piece of advice that you wish someone had given you five years ago.

8. Earth
Where is your favourite place on Earth? Snuggled up in your bed? Exploring ancient Egypt? Tell us why this place is so special to you.

9. Hidden Gems
Name five hidden gems in the town that you live in. Maybe it is the perfect place to take a scenic view picture or the best place to get a burger.

10. Language
Can you speak a second language? What inspired you to learn? Any advice for people wanting to learn another language?



Monday, Sept. 28: A day in the life. Take us through it with you.

Since I did not do the challenge on the 18th (Friday, Sept. 18: Record a VLOG! It can be about anything you’d like!), I decided to do two in one. Hope you enjoy my little vlog.



Sunday, Sept. 27: What’s on your wish list? Be sure to include links so we can shop too 😉

Wish List

1. Kate Spade 12-Month 2016 Agenda
2. Shell Pink Faux Fur Box Clutch from New Look
3. Funky iPhone 5 cases from Electric Melon
4. Landscape Print Umbrella from Topshop
5. Home Bed Throws from Debenhams
6. Wacom Standard Pen Nibs
7. Cushions from John Lewis
8. DK20 Eyecup Eyepiece (because I lost the one on my camera)



Saturday, Sept. 26: What’s on your to-reading list, and what have you recently read?

Right now, I do not have much on my ‘to-read’ list. I came across this article and of the 3 books that I have read on the list, I absolutely loved them, so the other 7 books are now on my ‘to-read’ list.

The Martian Recently, I have been trying to read more fiction books. ‘The Martian’ by Andy Weir caught my attention after I saw the trailer for the movie adaptation. I love anything to do with space/astronomy, from movies like Gravity and Interstellar to books like ‘An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth’ by Chris Hadfield so, I decided to listen to the audio book and it was amazing! Mark Watney (the astronaut who is left on Mars) is such a funny and loveable character and I can not wait to see the movie.


I have also been meaning to read ‘Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage’ by Haruki Murakami for such a long time now and I finally got round to it last month. The book is about Tsukuru Tazaki and his journey to discover why his friends cut him from their group. I would not say I get overly emotional about books or movies but reading this, it made me tear up a few times. Definitely recommend these two books!!!



Friday, Sept. 25: Three songs you are connecting with right now.

Alessia Cara – Here (Vincent Remix)

I have decided to only mention one because I have never found a song I so deeply connect with. The first time I heard this song was on SoundCloud, so hence why I have the remixed version up. My favourite part of the song is right at the beginning where the lyrics go:

“Truly I ain’t got no business here
But since my friends are here, I just came to kick it
But really I would rather be at home all by myself
Not in this room with people who don’t even care about my well being…”

I have an introverted personality so whenever I go to a big party with tonnes of people that I do not know I can find it difficult to enjoy myself. I much prefer more intimate settings or as it says in the song, I would rather be at home. Since I have never heard lyrics of a song like this (talking about being by yourself at a party), I love its different angle and I am really connecting with this song right now. Please let me know if there is a whole collection of music like this that I am missing out on!



Thursday, Sept. 24: Shout out five of your favorite bloggers. Who are your regular reads?

Girl, Unspotted
I have been loving Erica’s blog since day one! Her travels are so interesting to read about and her pictures are amazing as well. She also has a lot of love for the Philippines and it is making me miss it even more *sad face!*
Girl, Unspotted

The Chriselle Factor
Ever since she was mentioned on Michelle Phan’s YouTube page, I have been following Chriselle on Instagram and her blog as they are both stunning. From her family to her fashion, this woman is beyond chic.
The Chriselle Factor

Food & Baker
I know Jessica from Miss Philippines UK and she now has a blog! As a fellow food lover, I appreciate all of the delicious food pictures that she puts up and I love learning about new places to eat.
Food & Baker

Yours Truly, Micah
Micah was a former candidate for Miss Philippines UK and she has also written a post on my blog (you can read it here.) Her fashion and beauty blog has had a recent makeover (which I loveee) so I can not wait for more posts!
Yours Truly, Micah

Hapa Voice
Being half Filipino half British, I can relate to being asked “what are you?” Hapa Voice is a collection of posts by mixed raced people who want to share their experiences growing up in a mix of cultures.
Hapa voice



Tuesday, Sept. 22: Get creative! Sketch, paint, dance, play music, whatever then give us a glimpse.

I love making collages and I would probably make loads more if I could put them all somewhere. The first one I made is a cover for my desk (there are ink marks etc. that I had to hide!) The second one has no home right now but I would love some suggestions of where I could put it!



Monday, Sept. 21: A favorite quote/expression and how it has impacted you.

Would you prefer to be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond?

When I first heard this in ‘David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants’ by Malcolm Gladwell, I was in University. So, for me, it translated to: would you rather be the best at a mediocre school or be mediocre at the best school? This question has stuck me with me because I was the small fish lost in a big pond and I could not raise myself to the standards that were around me. If I could go back in time, I would definitely change my University choice to one where I could have comfortably aimed for the very top grades. Obviously, not everyone works better in the small pond; a lot of people strive in high pressure areas and achieve their goals much better than if they were the big fish. I think the most important thing to take away from this phrase is to take a step back and realising what situation you are in. As long as you are aware of your surroundings and can understand the necessary steps to rise to the standards of the pond then you can achieve anything.



Thursday, Sept. 17: Just for fun, your latest obsession. What can you not get enough of these days?

This is so random but recently I have been obsessed with watching home tours, but these are not just any homes they are tiny tiny little flats! I think I love watching these videos because it takes an immense amount of organisation to live in a place like that and I am also obsessed with organisation. Here are just two videos I have come across that I love:



Wednesday, Sept. 16: The real you vs. the online you. Are they the same or different?

I try to keep the online me and the real me as inline as possible. Nowadays, it is more likely that you will be seen first on the web than in person, so I always want to try and make sure that I am well presented online. I do not wear any makeup (apart from rare occasions) so all of the pictures of me are natural and I would never photoshop any photos of mine. Of course, the online me does not have all the random and uninteresting parts of my day because I think we can all agree that that would get a bit boring. I always strive to stay true to myself whether that be on what decisions I make in life or what photos I post on Facebook.


Happy Birthday Rachel!

Today, I decided to not go with the prompt because it is my little sisters birthday so I wanted to share her special day.

Birthday girl

So my little baby sister, who is hardly a baby anymore, turned 11 today! Our family decided to have a meal with some relatives and friends to celebrate her birthday. My mum cooked a lot of amazing food for us and made a delicious chocolate cake for Rachel’s candles to sit on top of.

Lighting the cake

It is hard to believe that 11 years ago, I was in Year 6 waiting for the new baby of my family to come home. Even though we give her a hard time, she knows we will always love her unconditionally. Rachel, do not grow up too quickly and always follow your heart and dreams ♥

Cakes are special. Every birthday, every celebration ends with something sweet, a cake, and people remember. It’s all about the memories.
Buddy Valastro

Cards and gifts


Monday, Sept. 14: The 5 books that have impacted your life the most.

Homework Planners Secondary School
Five years of my secondary school life documented in my homework planners. We would have to carry them around with us everyday for school so they were on me (or near me) for five whole years! I have thrown away most of them but still have my 2008/2009 planner (from when I was in Year 10), thank you Gabija (and everyone else) for all the decoration you put into them.

4 Hour WeekThe 4 Hour Workweek Tim Ferriss
This was the first audiobook that I read and I have been in love with audiobooks ever since. I also started going to university when I listened to this book and so it was a great eye opener to see the different ways that people live their lives on a 4 hour workweek.

To Kill A MockingbirdTo Kill A Mockingbird Harper Lee
I read this for my English GCSE’s maybe 10 or so times. Give me a formula and I can memorise it and use it but give me a book to read and it will take me forever to 1. finish it and 2. understand it. The story line is a now a blur to me and I still do not fully appreciate its significance but it is the only book I have read more than once, so its made a made a pretty big impact in my life.

Graphic Design Coursework College
Sadly, I left my books at my college to be used as examples but I absolutely loved them. I am obsessed with the layout of things and making things look organised and pretty and my graphic design books were a reflection of two years of realxed creativeness.

QuietQuiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking Susan Cain
Another audiobook find! Growing up, I was told that being an introvert was a bad thing and finally someone is saying that it is okay and even good to be an introvert. This book really changed my views on a trait that I believe plays a big role in my life.



Saturday, Sept. 12: What are you up to currently? I have examples here and here. (ADD THE LINKS)

Reading… ‘The Martian’ by Andy Weir, well technically listening to it on an audiobook
Playing… ‘SimCity: Build It’ on my iPad 24/7
Watching… ‘The Great British Bake Off’ every Wednesday. My week does not countdown to Friday, it counts down to Wednesday!
Trying… to learn Tagalog using Memrise
Cooking… nothing, but I really want to learn how to bake
Eating… the leftover toothpaste feeling in my mouth
Drinking… nothing at the moment
Calling… no one, it is currently 9:30AM, there is no one to talk to!
Texting… my boyfriend, who has not replied
Pinning… photos of the Philippines, already planning what I want to do the next time I am there
Tweeting… blog and instagram posts
Going… to the gym, wish me luck!
Loving… how tidy my room is now that I have cleaned it!
Hating… the colder temperature, can it be summer again?
Discovering… that I could get a job as a professional organiser
Thinking… about whether or not I should become a professional organiser
Feeling… excited for tonight, Miss and Mr Philippines UK 2015!
Hoping (for)… a good gym workout
Listening (to)… the ‘Design Details’ podcast
Celebrating… my last few hours being the current Miss Philippines UK
Smelling… the cold air coming in from my slightly opened window
Thanking… my sister for reading over all of my blog posts
Considering… becoming a professional organiser/becoming better at writing so I will not have to keep asking my sister to look over my posts
Starting… to think about how much this gym session is gonna ache tomorrow
Finishing… my twelfth blog post! WOO!



Wednesday, Sept. 9: Write a letter to sixteen-year-old you. Any advice or funny stories?

Instead of writing to sixteen-year-old me, I want to write to sixty-year-old me. That way, I can come back to this page sometime in the future and read it.

– – – Do not read until 2053 – – –

Dear My Fabulous Older Self,

Congratulations! You have made it to the big 6-0! Hopefully we still have tonnes more years in us but now it is time to kick back (if everything has been checked off the bucket list) and relax. First off, I want to say that whatever you have done in life, I (21 year old Yulee) am so proud of you. I know that you have put your heart and soul into it and for that, I love you very much.

Being 21 must seem like a lifetime ago now but I am sure you still look as young, do not worry! I am sorry for all of the wrinkles you must have from me smiling too much but I could not help it and you know that. Right now, life is up in air after graduating and I have no idea where I am going to land but I am sure that whatever life threw at you, you conquered it head on. I hope that you still remember the teen and early twenties years and smile. There are some truly amazing memories there so please keep them close to your heart and never forget them.

I am sure that the last 40 years have not been the easiest but I know that you can always come out on the sunny side of it all. Thank you for getting us through adult-hood and I know that you probably have some other people to thank, so thank them for me! Now, I know that I am better at maths than writing so I will end this letter here. I can not wait to meet you when I am older and hear all about our life.

Lots of Love, Your Fabulous Younger Self ♥



Friday, Sept. 4: What are you passionate about?

The answer to this question is very hard for me. I take interest in lots of different and random subjects ranging from travelling to organising and global warming to my instagram account. But I can not say that my heart is fully invested in just one or a few topics. My attention span is minimal and my mind wonders from one idea to the next, once I find something I am interested in it is not hard for my eye to wander to another subject. This is also a reason as to why I am finding it so hard to choose what career I would like to go into (I know I am too young to decide something for the rest of my life but it would be nice to be on the right path), because I believe that whatever I set my mind to I can achieve but it is finding what to focus on that I am finding so difficult.

Passion is such a strong word for me. I think that if you are passionate about something then that thing should be like a fire inside you, driving you to become a better person. Simply put, I have yet to find my passion.
