Wednesday, Sept. 16: The real you vs. the online you. Are they the same or different?

I try to keep the online me and the real me as inline as possible. Nowadays, it is more likely that you will be seen first on the web than in person, so I always want to try and make sure that I am well presented online. I do not wear any makeup (apart from rare occasions) so all of the pictures of me are natural and I would never photoshop any photos of mine. Of course, the online me does not have all the random and uninteresting parts of my day because I think we can all agree that that would get a bit boring. I always strive to stay true to myself whether that be on what decisions I make in life or what photos I post on Facebook.


Philippines 2015

13th June 2015 – 13th July 2015

One month in the Philippines, going around the different islands and having so much fun. My sister, Charlene, helped film and edit this video, so thank you and a massive thank you to Miss and Mr Philippines UK, without them this amazing trip would not have been possible.

“I’m really proud to be Filipino. Filipinos are really supportive, and I want to thank all of them. I love them!”
Charice Pempengco

See more of what we did in the Philippines:
13th June – 15th June : Dusit Hotel
16th June : Visit To PCF In Tondo
17th June : Manila Hotel
18th June : El Nido – Manioc Island Resort
19th June : El Nido – Island Hopping
20th June : El Nido – Lagen Island
22nd June – 24th June : Baguio
26th June – 28th June : Boracay
28th June – 30th June : Cebu
1st July : Happy Birthday Charlene!
1st July – 6th July : Home Sweet Home
7th July – 9th July : Bohol
10th July – 13th July : Manila

Micah’s MPUK Experience

MPUK 2013

Hello there everyone!

I’m Micah Lee, Miss Philippines UK Charity Winner 2013. Let me just start of by saying that if you’re thinking of joining, DO IT! Despite your doubts, whatever it may be, the nerves, time or distance, it doesn’t matter. It’s an amazing opportunity, and you’ll come out of it 10x more confident and stronger.

I’ve been there, before the audition nobody knew I was doing it except my family, not even my friends. In fact, I still couldn’t believe I was doing it and I came up with so many reasons why not to do it “I’m not tall enough”, “I’m too young”, “I don’t know what I’m doing” etc. Nevertheless, I managed to gather up the courage after encouragement from my mum. That’s one thing I would advise, if you feel like you’re not brave enough or still have your doubts, bring someone along to support you. It’ll make you feel so much better.

Little did I know that the next two months would be some of the toughest, most exciting, best times of my life.

One crucial thing I learned was confidence; how to walk like a beauty queen, how to stand out and how to talk confidently. My weaknesses became my strengths and I was able to do things I never thought I could do. I learned that it wasn’t about the materialistic things – clothes, shoes, accessories – that mattered so much. Rather it was more about how comfortable you were with yourself and how you flaunt what you have. Because if you’re bold, maybe nervous yet still manage to beam with confidence it’ll be obvious to the judges and the audience.

Most importantly, I met some of the most wonderful people. The organisers and us candidates become one big family. My summer was surrounded by such positive, supportive people which was so refreshing. We all worked through the obstacles together, like a family. Outside rehearsals, we would all hang out and it was exciting getting to know so many people within the Filipino community across the UK. Regardless of the journey from Wales to London almost every weekend, it was worth it. I’m sure that the other candidates, whether they were from London, Manchester, Newcastle or Sunderland would definitely agree with me!

The actual night was crazy! We were all so nervous and excited. Yet all of us presented the audience with all different types of beauty and entertainment. I must say that the scariest parts were swimwear and Q&A. Regardless of my fears, I smiled and enjoyed myself throughout it. If want to have a ‘summer body’ or even better if you’re comfortable with your current body, strut your stuff! Be proud of what you have. Because believe me when I say that not only are you giving people with a show but you’re also a role model to many of those girls and boys. With Q&A, don’t think about who’s watching, perceive it as an opportunity for people to finally hear you out. Though it’s useful to perhaps get an idea of how you’d answer the questions beforehand.

I’m incredibly blessed to have met such wonderful people and receive an astounding amount of support. It was overwhelming in a sense that even after it all finished, it still felt like a dream. This experience taught me to love myself. You may be insecure about whatever flaws you have, but you become great once you learn to accept it and love it.

I highly advise that anyone join. You don’t have to look a particular way in order to be successful in a beauty pageant. Everyone gains something from it – life lessons, wisdom and life long friends. Just smile, be yourself and to be confident. You can do a lot more than you think.

Micah’s Blog

Photoshoot In Amsterdam

If you have read my previous post about Amsterdam, you would have known that my cousin kindly organised a photoshoot on my birthday! If you haven’t read the post, you can read it here.

Here are my favourite photo’s from the shoot of me and my beautiful sister, Charlene.

Happy Mother’s Day

My mum in the Philippines

My mum does not really do cards or flowers but she does love pictures. Looking through our photo albums, there are so many gorgeous pictures of my mum but here are ten photos that capture how beautiful my mum is, outside and inside. Hopefully as I get older, I’ll be as beautiful as my mum (I’m pretty sure she will loveeeeee that comment!!) Happy Mothers Day everyone, let’s appreciate everything our mums have done for us and continue to do for us! x

In a child’s eyes, a mother is a goddess. She can be glorious or terrible, benevolent or filled with wrath, but she commands love either way. I am convinced that this is the greatest power in the universe.
― N.K. Jemisin, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms

Grown don’t mean nothing to a mother. A child is a child. They get bigger, older, but grown? What’s that suppose to mean? In my heart it don’t mean a thing.
– Toni Morrison, Beloved, 1987

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
I am my mother after all.
– Author Unknown

What I’ve Learnt About My Filipino Culture

After joining Miss Philippines UK, I have had the opportunity to meet so many new people and get to know my Filipino culture. These are just three of the things that I have learnt about Filipino’s that stand out for me.


When I say family, I do not mean in the blood family sense. Yes, in Filipino culture there is a lot of emphasis put on family love, nurture and respect. However, when I say family I mean in the family COMMUNITY sense. The first time I experienced this family-like treatment was at my first Barrio Fiesta. Even though we did not know anyone (and I mean, anyone!) there, everyone was talking to each other and having such a good time (as well as welcoming me and my family.) Then, entering Miss and Mr Philippines UK, all of the contestants and organisers were so fun and welcoming at every rehearsal, I really felt like I had become part of this new family. Now, after becoming Miss Philippines UK 2014, I am meeting more and more new Filipinos everyday and feel like I am belonging more and more into the Filipino community here in the UK. I hope that as I meet new people, I can also expand my personal Filipino family.


I only recently gained a substantial amount of Filipinos on my Facebook to realise how much everyone loves a good quote. I have asked my mum to try and explain the fascination with quotes but she could not (even though there are a number of quotes on her own Facebook!) The way I see this is best described in the quote below. Everyday we wake up and have our own hardships. Here in the UK maybe because of stress or pain (or the weather) and especially in the Philippines, people living in less fortunate situations, finding it difficult from day to day, we like these little pick me ups to remind us that God is there and as we share these quotes, through Facebook or Twitter, to remind others that God is there as well. (Maybe that’s why Filipino’s are always so positive!)

“Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.”
Kevyn Aucoin


I absolutely LOVE taking pictures; whenever a group picture is happening, I always jump in! And there are always more than enough picture taking opportunities when it’s a Filipinos gathering. Where it’s a ‘selfie selfie’ or a ‘wacky wacky’ picture there are always plenty of smiles, winks and crazy faces going around. Filipinos are so addicted to selfies that Makati City and Pasig are number one on the most selfiest city list where there are 258 selfie-takers per 100,000 people. The love for selfies does not even stop there in the Philippines since coming in at number nine is Cebu City: 99 selfie-takers per 100,000 people. Other countries that featured on the top 10 list included USA, Malaysia, Italy and England. At first I was a bit shocked to hear that Manila was number one, but then again, we’re Filipinos and we’re just too good looking not to be taking selfies all the time.
The Guardian – Sexy & Social: Why Manila Is The Selfiest City In The World